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Are you eager to make juggling accessible to everyone?

Quat Props and Hula Hoop Integral are excited to offer access to a pre-recorded series of 8 online classes designed to guide you through the basics of inclusive juggling techniques. Whether you're a teacher, therapist, or educator, you'll learn how to adapt juggling for all abilities, with topics including:
Leading Adaptive Techniques

  • Planning Inclusive Spaces

  • Social Learning Models

  • Therapeutic Applications

  • Tactile/Nonverbal Communication

  • Implications and Impact of Accessible Juggling

This comprehensive course offers over 10 hours of training and includes an optional 1-hour meeting with instructors. All for just €120! Don’t miss out on this opportunity to enhance your skills and join a global community of inclusive educators.

10+ Hours of Training
Includes Consultation
Package = €120

Register now!

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